best leather apron of 2023,Find this factory to interview the boss.

A fan sent me a private message, asking me to help him find this leather apron. Today I finally found his factory. Let’s follow my lens to interview the boss.

Hello, can you tell me the price and style of our leather apron? This leather apron is 2.51 yuan, and the price is 2.51 yuan. For the style, it is waterproof and oil-proof. How many kinds of colors do we have? I see that there are many colors. You can see that there are blue and yellow. There are many kinds of colors and 20 styles. How many colors can we match at a time?There are more than ten or twenty kinds of goods. If there is one piece of goods, how many pieces of goods we send at a time? This is 300 pieces. 300 pieces. How big is the package? Is this the same package for 300 pieces? Ah, this kind of bag is so heavy. It weighs more than 100 kilograms. Will it be very expensive to send more than 100 kilograms by express delivery? It’s just so so.

best leather apron

How much does it cost to send logistics? In the case of logistics, the price of two here is 2.5 yuan. How much do we sell?In the market, we sell the mode of five taels and five grains. Like those novices, they won’t sell it. Is it equipped with the recording mode that is very good? That is, we have it in stock now. If I have pink, I can deliver it directly today. It can be delivered on Wednesday. Thank you very much, boss. I have fans who want it later. Can I recommend it to you directly? Thank you, boss.

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