Affordable curling iron flat iron combo review and share

Hi, everyone. Today I want to share with you the curling iron flat iron combo, because recently, I actually have this brand of curling iron flat iron combo that has been planted with grass. However, we can take a look at my long hair above the chest. Then don’t worry about whether you should buy a 40mm or 36mm, so you can buy both of them.

curling iron flat iron combo

This curling iron flat iron combo is 40mm, and then this one is 36mm, so I will give you an unpacking and evaluation. First of all, let’s dismantle this 36.Because the packaging of the two is the same, so I only open one for everyone to see, ah, because, ah, it is also in winter now, and then in fact I don’t really want to wash my hair so many times, and then I probably wash my hair once every three days, and then, um, during the time when I don’t wash my hair, In fact, I think curling iron flat iron combo is a good tool to help me take care of my hair.Then, ah, it has to be dismantled in this way, and then it is not quite the same. Then this is 36, and I bought it recently, and then it comes with a coupon to start with more than 400, so it’s quite cost-effective, and then slowly.The white one is 36, and then this one is 40. In terms of diameter, in fact, there is not much difference between the two. We can see a big bucket and a small bucket. Then he always wears a wig, and then he also wears a perm-proof support.

Then there is a clip like this in the box of curling iron flat iron combo. In fact, I’m going to part my hair on both sides today. And then like this. Ah, let me give you a test. Then I will use 40 on the left and 36 on the right, and then I will give you a demonstration.Its design is quite good. We all carry this storage bag. In fact, it looks better when we often go there by ourselves, er, when we put it away, and then take a look at it. It is like this. When it is switched on and off, then this place can rotate the temperature. I rotated it 170 degrees to make it a little warmer. The heating speed is quite fast. Then I usually like external sleep, so I can take a look and give you a demonstration. And stand up. One time.1234。 I don’t think there is any volume. Did I add too much? Do it again?

So here is everyone’s test, and this is the same. In this area, we turn on the switch with everyone, and then adjust the temperature to. 170 degrees. Okay, let’s compare and evaluate. 170 degrees. I think this area is more natural, but its flowers are more likely to gather. Flowers may be easier to even out underneath. And then we’ll look at this.Ok, this is today’s content. I hope it can help you. Then my personal suggestion is like my hair volume. In fact, I would prefer the 1.40 curly hair, which may be more natural, but the 36 seems to be good, and the rich feeling is also very rich.

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