most popular tiny dolls,Foreign dolls really smell good.

What’s there to rob with such a broken doll? There are two things on the hot search these two days.

The first thing is very positive. It is about the Sam’s Club in the United States, which was boycotted by everyone after it removed our products from Xinjiang. They queued up to return their membership cards. They will not patronize him in the future. Some of them were hungry for several hours and did not eat in order to return their cards. Brothers have worked hard.The second thing is about the American business in China. Disney has launched a new group of Christmas-themed dolls. Popularly speaking, they are a few dolls. 5000 Chinese people line up all night to grab them. It must be very hard to line up all night just to grab a doll. I also want to say that it is hard, but I really can’t say it.

most popular tiny dolls

First of all, Disney’s hunger marketing has gone too far. The limited edition dolls can only win 2700 sets in the lottery. How many people failed to grab them? Then they said, “Oh, we still have some left. There are more. Come and grab them tomorrow.”. I feel that this routine is a bit like the feeling of a star bringing goods to the live broadcast room and adding inventory. Boy, this coquettish operation has attracted a lot of people scrambling to get these broken dolls, driving by train in the middle of the night.By car, and by plane, from other places, ah, what is this day, brothers, in winter, ah, in addition to Hainan is not cold, which place in China is not cold?

Especially in the wee hours of the morning, in the middle of the night, there was a queue of 5000 people, waiting for Disney to open the door tomorrow morning to grab dolls, and even some people lined up to urinate blood and sit on the ground crying. This is how deep the true love fans are. Let’s talk about these people in line. There are only two kinds of people. The first kind of people, scalpers, or scalpers hired to line up, is that you line up for me all night. I’ll give you 300 yuan. You can’t get up early without profit.Most of these 5000 people should be this kind of people. Why?Because of the huge profits, the official price of this set of Disney dolls is RMB 2100, but after buying it, it can be sold for 8000 or even 10000 yuan. It is sold on the spot, and some people want it. Then you think, is it worthwhile for scalpers to queue up all night? A factory job plus a night shift costs 500 yuan at most. He can earn five or six thousand yuan by staying up one night and changing hands. So even if he spends three hundred and five hundred yuan and hires someone to line up for him, he is sure to make a profit.

Some people say that scalpers are really hateful. There is no way to earn the price difference. There is a market. Some grandfathers are rich and willing to spend more. Home buy, Zhou Yu beat Huang Gai, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, as long as we don’t break the law, we can’t control it. There is another kind of person, that is, Disney’s true love fans. Oh, I have to buy this doll, but I can’t afford it. I don’t want to buy it from a scalper at a high price, so I have to queue up all night by myself.This kind of person is like a metaphor, earning a salary of 3000 yuan, but also always want to drink Maotai, income does not match the dream.

In short, whatever kind of person it is, it seems ridiculous to me. Some people say that the squinting incident is because we Chinese people are not confident in culture. I would say that this incident is a serious lack of cultural confidence. It is a doll. It is because he can sell 2100 with Disney’s brand, but he can’t get it, and he has to increase the price several times. If these people who rush to buy are strong enough and confident enough, will they really do such a stupid thing in the eyes of our normal people?

This matter also urges us to be more diligent and stronger, and to make a big IP in the hearts of our own people as early as possible, so that we don’t have to worship those abroad any more. One last question, those who line up all night to grab. Doll people, do your parents know what you have done at home? Can the old man sleep?

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