What does a very small nettop computer do?

Hi, everyone. I found a second-hand nettop computer. This thing has been out for a long time. This machine is actually a Windows nettop computer, but its size is really too small. Let’s take a look at its interface, L2L2, and then the headphone interface. 3.0 USB TF card, mini HDMI and a USB, this is the USB of Type C, then there is a speaker at the bottom, and there is an adjustable fan, there are three gears, large, medium and small, and then turn to the front, wow, it actually feels very good.

nettop computer

The joystick, the up, down, left, and right buttons are quite comfortable to press. Well, now let’s see here, ah, there is a power button. There is an Xbox logo. Well, now the power button is turned on. The light is on. Wow, this small screen feels like a very high resolution. It’s very delicate. This small icon is compared with our current handheld which is not dry. This is harvested by WIN600, and this is a lot of mini, OK, happy.We can see that it’s really a small computer. Thunderbolt has it, and there is a custom button for the handle. When we shake the joystick on the right, oh, this little mouse is going to move so magically. OK, so here, let’s take a look at the computer parameters directly. Wow, this is still a 64-bit operating system, WIN10. Then there is a 4GB memory, which is awesome. Let’s give him a direct master Lu who can’t see clearly.This edge is not too bad. Now I have connected it to my mouse. This mouse is easier to operate. This button is very hard to press. This is too small. It is not easy to input text for a long time. It is also very tiring to use this button to play games. Of course, this game must be played with this joystick, right?

At the same time when Master Lu is installing, let’s see if this web page can be opened a little more. Open it in the star tab, open it in ten, open it in the star tab, and open it from the star tab. Yes, yes. Although it is very small, very small, but look at the pictures, the speed is a little slow. This is OK, three, four, five, six, seven.It’s still pretty good. This performance has been installed by Master Lu, using the optimal configuration. OK, now let’s take a physical examination of the hardware parameters. It’s very fast to take a look. Here is a DD23 4GB memory, which is a CPU of Smart 8700, suitable for the Internet version of the CPU, the upgraded version of Smart Sony’s small notebook, right?Take a look at the hard disk. The resolution of the hard disk unknown display is 1280 times 70p. This resolution is really very clear on this small display screen. There is nothing else. I think it is a little difficult to score directly. Let’s embarrass him.

In terms of charging, we directly used this power bank to charge and continue to test. After waiting for many minutes, the score was 105180 points, beating 4% of the users in the country. Ah, it’s not very good. There’s no way to do this. After all, it’s such a small computer. So let’s test it first.Do a little bit of entertainment, we directly open our interstellar video, a multi-distance should be no problem ah, no problem ah, no problem, right? It’s no problem to play this movie. Is there any problem to play classic songs? No problem. You are big and you want to do it. So now let’s open a PPT. This bunch of PPT, let’s open five or six. Let’s see if his computer can be used as a small office computer.The first one is that there is no problem, right?

Second, at this time, there is a little bit of a small card. Third, fourth and fifth, OK, let’s start with the first one. The first PPT here has all been loaded, and the brush is quite smooth. The second one is no problem. The fourth one is OK, and the fifth one is no problem. Hey, don’t say this performance, there is a little bit of practical value, right?Finally, of course, we have to play games. Look at this joystick, this cross key, this abxy, right? We directly install a simulator for it.Directly on this computer to see if you can play this PPSPP ah has been running very smoothly, and these games we have read out, enlarge a little ah, so many games we choose a GTA, ah, it seems possible ah, we have not debugged, did not do the mapping of the keys, dual-screen full-screen is not stuck ah, look at this temperature. It’s 38 degrees now. The pressure is not very great. Wow, why is it so clear?I feel a little bit stuck. I map this button a little bit. It should be OK to go. I don’t map the left and right keys up and down well. This button has been mapped for a long time and it’s useless. The touch screen can also be used. Now we get on the bus and this AXY is mapped. We drive a little stuck. You see, the frame number in the upper left corner is stuck in the car. This is not the problem of my driving skill. This is his card. Look at this music. In fact, it is also a card.

This screen also began to card, we directly to a flying car, barely able to play it, a little stutter, now let’s play the God of War ah, now is 60 frames ah, wait a minute he can not, found the card? I am simply in slow motion, this is too slow, brother, in fact, his CPU share is not so high, but maybe this game optimization or this simulator is not very good?In fact, there should be no problem in playing old games, like those, er, old console games, ah, there is no problem, right? It can also stand up, and there is a gyroscope. This thing is quite good, right? You said there was no battery life. Let’s just take a small power bank, right?

Normally, there should be no problem for us to play videos on the web page. Let’s try the last web page to play videos, right? It’s no problem to watch videos online. So it’s such a nettop computer. If you had it a few years earlier, it would be very happy, right? Remember to comment and follow me if you like me so much. Bye-bye.

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