Today we share outdoor hiking shoes, buy the right outdoor shoes in a minute, and my own Puma hiking shoes experience and feelings for you.

First, outdoor shoes with uppers can be roughly divided into the following three types: low-top cross-country running shoes, mid-top hiking shoes, and high-top mountain climbing shoes. Cross-country running shoes are suitable for relaxed outdoor travel, flexible joints, short running-in time with feet, good wear resistance and low gravity. Hiking shoes are mostly used in mountain outdoor activities, which can effectively protect the ankle, soft vamp, strong sole support, and are the first choice for most outdoor players when they are equipped with advanced equipment. Alpine boots are suitable for snowline climbing above 5000 meters above sea level and are specially designed for harsh terrain. The high top is waterproof and cold-resistant, the sole is hard, it has super protection and durability, and it is equipped with special buckles for wearing crampons.
second, the fabric is a high-density fabric with waterproof, breathable and windproof functions, the principle is that the surface layer has numerous holes, the size of these holes is one of 200000 water droplets, more than 700 times larger than water vapor molecules. It is impermeable to water, but it is permeable to water vapor, which achieves the magical effect of both breathability and waterproof.
the third, Microsoft outsole, the shape of the foot is not the softer. It is also good to walk on rough roads, and the softer soles will make the feet feel very tired. Microsoft’s manufacturing process allows outdoor shoes to have outstanding grip, support, while lightweight and wear-resistant, the classic gold octagon with large V-bottom has become the standard of quality outdoor shoes.
fourth, the flagship series of the professional shoe row is not that other brands do not have excellent outdoor shoes, but the most simple and crude method is to have free wallets. Try to buy the most expensive one within your budget. After all, you get what you pay for. I will also evaluate and share the experience of using these pairs of shoes in the future.
Next, I will talk about my climbing shoes. I am wearing a Puma climbing shoes. The material of the vamp is cowhide with a thickness of 2.8 mm, which is slightly thicker. It is also screened and polished by hand. It is of very high quality, very soft, very soft and comfortable to touch and wear, which can ensure the functionality of most outdoor scenes. It can also provide a comfortable feeling for commuting scenes, and the waterproof level is very good. Stitching pressure glue process, propolis is responsible for sealing and waterproof and dustproof, where the stitching is responsible for firmly binding the upper and outsole together, strong and durable enough for daily and general outdoor activities.