I found that camping is getting more and more popular now. Many friends want to buy a tent to participate in the big family of camping, but there are so many tents on the market, including tunnel tents, twin tower tents, fishbone tents, Pyramid account, etc., how should I choose?
The camping book will take you to popularize the characteristics of different tents and the usage scenarios from beginning to end, so that everyone can have a comprehensive understanding of the tents, so as to choose a good tent for you. So don’t talk nonsense.

In the first issue, we will take a look at the most classic and most suitable dome tent for beginners. This tent is very recognizable, mainly because two tent poles cross at the top to form a very rounded top, so it is called a dome tent. , then some friends may say, this kind of tent is very common, I have seen it, what is there to talk about, in fact, there are many doorways in it, first of all, it is very easy to build, you only need two The tent poles are crossed and fixed on the four corners. The second step is to hang the inner tent, and the tent is supported. The third step is to cover the outer tent. You can build it in about one to two minutes. It is very friendly to novices, and it is a self-supporting tent, which means that it does not require additional gods and ground nails, and it can also stand up. The advantage of this is that it is more flexible.
If the ground is uneven or the rain suddenly accumulates water, you can directly pick up the tent and change the place. The second point, as such a small tent, its space is very good, its arc is relatively large, so the space on both sides will be better, even a camp bed can be put in it, and the general You can sit in a dome tent. Third, let’s talk about its ability to resist wind and snow. I said before that the intersection of its two poles is at the top, so its ability to resist snow or even hail at the top will be better, but its resistance As for the wind, it can only reach 70 or 80 points. It’s not that you can’t use some better dome rods. There is no problem with the seventh or even eighth wind. As long as you are not in a very harsh environment, he All are manageable.
In general, the dome cane is simple and easy to use. Many gods who have played outdoors for more than ten years will still use such tents. Even the original ancestor of the tent, Ber, has also launched a dome tent because of its various attributes. They are all very good, especially because it is easy to build and has strong space. It is highly recommended for beginners to use it. I believe he will always accompany you to become an outdoor god.
If you are a novice and want to get started, you can consider the garden of Nooke, which is better, and I have been in the hills of the black road. The star of the soul of freedom used in a tent is also very good. After this issue, do you have any new understanding of the structure of this dome tent? You are welcome to share your experience of using this tent in the comment area, and you can also recommend a tent that you think is good.